What is your payment policy?
Our policy is that we appreciate payment at the time of service.
Geddes Therapies will accept payment with cash, check, Healthcare Savings Account (HSA), and all major credit cards.
Do you take insurance?
At this time, Geddes therapies is private pay and will provide you with a super bill.
How do we cancel or reschedule an appointment?
We ask that you kindly provide Geddes Therapies with at least 24-hour notice if an appointment needs to be canceled or rescheduled. You can do this directly by calling or texting
Erin at 720-560-1017 or via email at erin@geddestherapies.com.
How long is the evaluation?
The evaluation typically takes 1- 1 ½ hours and may need to be extended into another appointment depending on the needs of your child.
What paperwork do I need to fill out before my first appointment?
At this time, your telephone intake is all Erin needs to schedule you for your first appointment.
Additional paperwork will be sent to you via email for you to fill out prior to your appointment.
How long do the therapy sessions last?
Therapy sessions are typically 30-45 minutes in length depending on the client. Every therapy session is uniquely tailored to the individual.
What is the typical duration of therapy/therapeutic intervention?
The typical duration of therapy varies depending on the diagnosis, compliance with therapy program goals and homework and the individual needs of each child and family.
What is a pediatric speech-language pathologist?
A pediatric speech-language pathologist specializes in the treatment and evaluation of patients from birth to 18 years of age.
Do you see older teens and/or adults for orofacial myofunctional therapy?
Absolutely! You are good treatment candidates because you are motivated to see the results that can occur with successful therapy.
Do I need to come in for post-frenectomy treatment?
Yes, it’s important for healing and retraining the tongue to move to the right spot for speech, nasal breathing, and swallowing after the release.
What is an orthodontic relapse?
It’s when the teeth shift after the braces are removed because of an orofacial myofunctional disorder, such as a ‘tongue thrust’.
What is an Orofacial Myology Disorder (OMD)?
An OMD is an abnormal movements and/or positioning of the tongue, lips, and jaw during rest, swallowing, and speech.
For further information click on these links:
What is a speech sound disorder/articulation disorder?
A speech sound disorder/articulation disorder is when the mistakes on certain sounds continue past the age the child should be typically producing that sound correctly.
For more information clink on this link:
What is a Tongue thrust?
This is the most common type of orofacial myofunctional disorder. The ‘tongue thrust’ is the incorrect tongue placement and movement of the tongue typically sticking out between the front teeth during swallowing, speech and at rest. Also known as infantile swallow, deviate swallow, and abnormal swallow.
Should I be concerned about a thumb, finger or other sucking habit?
Yes! This habit affects the overall growth and development of your child’s teeth, speech, breathing patterns, appearance, oral phase of swallowing, and will eventually affect self-esteem.
When should my child stop sucking on their pacifier?
The American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends weaning children from sucking their pacifiers by 6 months of age. After this age, the benefits are gone and it progresses into a habit.
What if I am unsure if my child needs services?
I completely understand and would like to offer you a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.